bringing new life to those who need it most 





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About Us:


According to UNICEF, there are currently 3.9 million orphans in South Africa. Without the support of parents, this orphan generation is subject to extreme stigma, exploitation, neglect, disease and a host of other circumstances unseen by any previous generation. Whether on the streets or heading a household at 12 years old, they are twice as likely to discontinue their schooling and twice as likely to contract HIV/AIDS. 


In 2016, the New Life Children’s Home was established as a non-profit organisation. Our aim is to provide quality care in a safe and loving home for vulnerable children, irrespective of race or gender. We want to give children the opportunity to have a new life – filled with hope, excitement, faith and love. We also want to protect and encourage all the children we help through focus on positive behaviour and Godly principles.

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

James 1:27

We have 4 beautiful homes – each with the capacity to house 8 children. One of our homes (the Orange house) also has an additional space for a physically disabled child. 

The homes function as much as possible like a loving family. The Parents of the house live there full-time and raise the children as if they were their own. The children are showered with love, devotion, Godliness and a sense of family. We hope that this new stability heals past hurts and establishes them for a bright future. 


As with any venture like this – it takes a village! We are endlessly grateful for the many individuals, churches, businesses and organisations that pour their time, money and resources into this project. Together we know that we can be a force for good! 


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